
Fair Market Value?
If you’re buying or selling a home, the concept of fair market value is important. Each home, even if it were built identically to its...

Down Payment Assistance & Resources
With the low interest rates and a real estate market that continues to increase, it is a great time to buy a home and get in on the...

Waiting For (Home) Prices To Decrease?
If you live in our Denver Metro area and watch the news, I'm sure you have heard the reports of prices continuing to increase for the...

Ski Resorts Impacted From Covid
2020 may have felt like the longest year but we are now into December and 2021 is just around the corner! So, besides the Holidays, what...

The BEST Winter Chili
You guys... my mother-in-law made this Chili recipe for us last weekend and it was absolutely DELICIOUS and perfect for the cold snowy...

2020 Holiday Events Guide
Events look quite a bit different this year (thanks covid) but they are still happening in a safe way so get out and enjoy the beautiful...

Best Time To Be A Seller & Buyer in 2020
So 2020 has been crazy. We all know that. In terms of real estate though, it has been very different than our typical seasonal trends but...

Winter is coming! Is your furnace ready?
When it's 10 degrees outside and the heat stops working is NOT the time to decide whether your furnace is ready for the cold! Brrrr! Save...

The Odds of Selling
If you've ever thought about selling your home, you have probably wondered these two (2) questions: 1. What price will my home sell for?...

Top 10 Pumpkin Patches and Corn Mazes of 2020
The harvest season brings plenty of opportunities for farm fun for the whole family! Pumpkin picking, hayrides, corn mazes and other...