Homeschool + Office Design
We are officially into summer break so you might be asking yourself, "why would I care about homeschooling now?". Understandable. However, I know a lot of parents who are wondering if school will start up like normal in the Fall or if it will be a modified schedule or if we will have a second round of the "stay at home" situation. In any case, I think it's smart to consider the possibility of needing a small space for homeschooling in the future or to just have a space where kids can do their homework. Don't worry, I've got some ideas for you!

After doing this myself (see photo below), I've learned a few things!
Adding a table to your office room is a quick and easy solution, if you have the space, just like the above picture.
If you don't have the space to add a table, you can remove a bookshelf and put in a small desk, also pictured.
Add a chair or barstool to your own table. Otherwise, they will want to sit on your lap... trust me! ;-)
Make sure you keep paper and pens/pencils/markers easily accessible. I learned this the hard way after my daughter wrote on MY desk.
Use a rolling cart with supplies that can easily fit in a closet if you don't want it to stay out in sight.

And of course, if you'd prefer to move into a new home where you can create a space you and your kids will love, give me a call and let's chat! :)